Thursday, March 29, 2007

Book, Concert, Podcast, Yeast Infection...

Ever read something 300 times in hopes of finding mistakes you might have missed? It’s FUN. Really. Those jokes you wrote six months ago, that you’ve seen about 38,000 times… they’re still HILARIOUS. All of the dashes, and spaces, and commas, and periods, and slashes, and deciding whether there should be an ellipse or a period. A BLAST.

Actually… it IS kinda fun.

The book goes to the printer today.

Holy smokin' nertz gobblins.

Donna looked at me the other day and said- "If you die tomorrow, you've got a pretty decent legacy."

"Thanks?" I said.

I get what she means though. Five albums and a book. Not too shabby. Someone looking at all this shit 50 years from now could think:

"hmmm... I have a pretty decent idea of who this Hrab guy was... and I see the groundwork that ultimately led to his dying in a hail of bullets and hot sauce while wearing a pink wet suit and beer helmet."

The book will be available FRIDAY, April 6th.
That day will also be the concert at Godfrey Daniels.


Yes. Wholeheartedly.

Here are the details.

F r i d a y , A p r i l 6 t h , 2 0 0 7
8 : 0 0 P M

George Hrab presents:
The Entire History of the Universe (abridged)

featuring the release of "Non-Coloring Book"

Godfrey Daniels
7 East Fourth Street,
Bethlehem, PA 18015-1601
(610) 867-2390
Box Office Hours: 2 pm - 6 pm,
Tuesday through Saturday

Seating is limited- Call and reserve your tickets TODAY

Be sure to downloaderize the WEEKLY PODCAST too. Some stuff you’ve missed:

  • Why skiing moguls is better than skiing not-moguls
  • Me calling myself from the future
  • Multiple Religious Morons of the Week
  • Stories of horrible Ukrainian PA systems
  • Why Les Stroud is SO MUCH COOLER than Bear Gryls
  • Secret in-studio recordings of The Ohio Players
  • Tales of Indestructible Bastards
  • What my REAL voice sounds like

Available EVERY WEDNESDAY here.


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