O N E S Y -
Nice cool fun intimate gig tomorrow at Wired cafe. If you're in the area, come on out. I'll play whatever you want to hear.
WIRED Cafe & Gallery
George Hrab LIVE on FLOOR
Friday , March 9th 8:00 PM
520 Main St. Bethlehem PA
George Hrab LIVE on FLOOR
Friday , March 9th 8:00 PM
520 Main St. Bethlehem PA
T W O S E Y -
Phil Plait commented on my "Spinning Plaits" blog. He said... ready... here goes..
" I love this guy."
How cool is THAT! Seriously... unless he was referring to the post in which I talk mostly about him, and he was referring to himself... which why wouldn't he... I mean Phil Plait IS lovable... but geez... maybe he meant Joe Rogan... or ...
Anyway. Phil is just the best- go see for yourself HERE.
T H R E E - Z
Newest podcast is up, and for you funk fans I'd AT LEAST check out at about the 10 minute mark seeing as I unearthed some VERY interesting behind-the-scenes audio of The Ohio Players. Rat tat tat.
F O U R S E Y -
We are printing a book. Holy buckets of chum soaked grit biscuits.
It will be available on Friday April 6th at Godfrey Daniels, when I premier my one man performance:
George Hrab Presents: The Entire History of the Universe (abridged)
The book is called
and is very silly.
Go HERE or call 610-867-2390 and get tickets for this event.
J A Y - Z
You can see a time-lapse video of me getting bodypainted HERE
It's a little glitchy, but still kinda cool. The music sucks though...
A t o Z
I have noticed that since I began working out vociferously for the Interrobang cover (spring 2005) I haven't written SHIT music wise. I don't know if there is a direct correlation or not- but I'm in deep kaka. I need to write. I need to write for album number SIX. I need to write for album number SIX because it'll be two years in November. I need to write for album number SIX because it'll be two years in November and I don't want to break a ten year streak. I need...
I have nothing so far. ZERO. Do I need to get fat to write a great album? Dunno. Do I want to keep writing stuff about silly animals? Dunno. Should I try something COMPLETELY different like a record without drums or maybe Jon Dowland songs on lute? Dunno. Should I work with a local chamber group and do my shitty version of The Juliet Letters? Dunno. Should I completely embrace my inner geek and write songs that only sci-fi fans can love? Dunno.Should I do a record with the guys from the Geologic Orchestra? Dunno.
Dunno, dunno, dunno.
I'll keep you posted.
I was going through some old tapes and came across a song that I think is right up your alley to cover. The song is 'Love With A Thinker' originally done by Utopia (Todd Rungrend) in the mid 80's. I believe he still retains rights through Utopia records for all the legal stuff. Thisis the opening verse and I think you will see why I think this is your kind of song:
She's a definite thinker
It don't take a genius to see
There's something ticking behind those eyes
What does she think of me
She has the answer when I don't know what to ask
And always lets me know so innocently
But when she gets that certain look on her face
I wonder what will be left when she's finished with me
Full lyrics can be found at http://www.goldlyrics.com/song_lyrics/utopia/oblivion/love_with_a_thinker/
Having recently bought all five cd's by your hand, may I offer some suggestions?
I really liked your last CD most: it was a very mature piece of art, and really a pleasure to look at. However, I liked the other ones too, because they were less "personal", and I could relate more to them (that is of course a personal opinion).
So, my suggestion: try your hand again at making these sort of songs. Plenty of stuff to be angry or passionate about (religion, idiots at performances, hot intellectual gals, ...), so perhaps this can give you some fodder to start with.
Just my couple of (euro)cents ...
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